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Convex Sets

In this lecture, we define convex sets and set operations that preserve convexity. We will first look a affine sets, linear sets and subspaces.

Affine sets, subspaces

  1. Affine set: A line through two distinct points \vx, \vy \in \R^n is the set \{\vz\ |\ \theta\vx + (1-\theta)\vy = z, \theta \in \R\}. A set \setS is affine if it contains all lines through any two distinct vectors in the set. That is, for every two vectors \vx, \vy \in \R^n and scalar \theta \in \R, the vector \theta \vx + (1-\theta) \vy is also in the set \setS.

  2. Subspace: A set \mathcal{S} \subset \R^n of vectors in \R^n is called a subspace of the following two properties are satisfied:

    1. (Closed under addition) For every two vectors \vx, \vy \in \setS, their sum \vx + \vy is also in \setS.

    2. (closed under scalar multiplication) For every vector \vx \in \setS and scalar \theta \in \R, the scalar multiple \theta \vx is also in \setS.

    Examples of subspaces included the range and null space of a matrix.

Convex sets

The line segment between any two points \vx and \vy is the set \{z | z = \theta \vx + (1-\theta) \vy,\ \theta \in [0,1]\}. A set \setC \subseteq \R^n is convex if it contains the line segment between any two distinct points in the set, i.e. \setC is convex if

\vx ,\vy \in \setC \text{ and } \theta \in [0,1] \Rightarrow \theta \vx + (1-\theta) \vy \in \setC.

Another way to define convex sets is via the notion of convex combination. Convex combination of a set of points \vx_1, \dots, \vx_k \in \R^n is the linear combination of those points \vx = \theta_1\vx_1 + \dots + \theta_k\vx_k with the coefficients \theta_i satisfying \sum_{i=1}^k \theta_i = 1 and \theta_i\geq 0 for all i. So, a set \setC is convex if every convex combination of points in the set is in the set. Some examples of convex sets are hyperplanes and half-spaces. Hyperplane is a set of the form \{\vx\ |\ \va\trans\vx = b\}, where \va \neq0 and \vb \in \R. Similarly, half-space is a set of the form \{\vx\ |\ \va\trans\vx \leq b\}, where \va \neq0 and \vb \in \R. Note that hyperplanes are affine and convex, but half-spaces are only convex.

If a set is not convex, the simplest way to 'convexify' the set is by taking its convex hull. The convex hull of a set \setD is the set that contains all convex combinations of points in the set \setD. Formally, the convex hull of \setD is

\text{conv}(\setD) := \{z \ | \ z = \theta\vx + (1-\theta)\vy,\ \vx,\vy \in \setD,\ \theta\in[0,1]\}.

Operations that preserve convexity

  1. Intersections: Let \setC_i \subseteq \R^n be a convex set for all i \in \setI. Then the intersection \cap_{i \in \setI} \setC_i is itself a convex set. Some examples are:

    1. Convex Polytope: A set \setP = \{x \in \R^n\ |\ mA\vx \leq\vb\} defined by a set of linear inequalities is convex. Let \va_i be the ith column of \mA\trans. Then, we express \setP as an intersection of half-spaces since

      \begin{align*}\setP &= \{\vx \in \R^n\ |\ \mA\vx \leq\vb\}\\ & = \cap_{i=1}^m \{\vx \ | \ \va_i\trans\vx \leq b_i\}.\end{align*}

      Note that half-spaces are convex. Thus, the set \setP is a convex set.

    2. n-dimensional simplex: Consider the set \setC = \{\vx \in \R^n\ |\ \sum_{i=1}^n\vx_i \leq 1,\ \vx_i \geq 0\}. This set is called an n-dimensional simplex. We can express \setC as

      \setP = \{\vx \ | \ \ve\trans\vx\leq 1\}\cap\{\vx \ | -\ \ve_1\trans\vx\leq 0\}\cap\dots\cap\{\vx \ | \ -\ve_n\trans\vx\leq 0\}.

      Thus, an n-dimensional simplex is the intersection of convex sets and is itself convex.

  1. Linear Mapping: Let \setC \subseteq \R^n be a convex set. For any m by n matrix \mA, the image of \setC under \mA is convex. That is, the set \mA(\setC) = \{\mA\vx | \vx \in \setC\} is convex.

  2. Addition: Let \setC_1,\dots,\setC_m \subseteq \R^n be convex sets. For every scalars \lambda_i, the addition of the scaled convex sets is itself convex. That is, the set

\lambda_1\setC_1 + \dots + \lambda_m\setC_m = \{\sum_{i=1}^m\lambda_i\vx_i\ |\ \vx_i\in \setC_i, i = 1,dots, m\}

is convex.

Convex cones

A set \setS \subseteq \R^n is a cone if every positive scalar multiple of the vector \vx \in \setS is also in the set. That is,

\setS \text{ is a cone if } \vx\in \setS \Leftrightarrow \alpha \vx \in \setS \text{ for all } \alpha\geq 0

A convex cone is a cone that is convex. A convex cone satisfies:

\vx, \vy \in \setS \Leftrightarrow \theta_1\vx + \theta_2 \vy \in \setS,\ \text{for all } \theta_1,\theta_2 \geq0.

Some examples of convex cones are:

  1. Non-negative orthant, \R^n_+ = \{\vx\ |\ \vx_i\geq 0\ \forall\ i=1,\dots,n\}.

  2. Second-order cone, \setL_+^n = \{\bmat \vx\\t \emat\in\R^{n+1}\ |\ \|\vx\|_2\leq t,\ \vx \in\R^n,\ t\in \R_+ \}.

  3. Positive semi-definite cone, \setS_+^n = \{\mX\in\R^{n\times n}\ |\ \vu\trans\mX\vu\geq,\ \forall \vu\in\R^n,\ \mX = \mX\trans\}.

  4. The polytope \setP =\{\vx\ |\ \mA\vx\leq 0\} is a convex cone.