Linear Programming¶
Linear programming solves the following minimization program
where \mA \in \R^{m\times n}, \vc \in \R^n, and \vb \in \R^m are known a priori. In general, the optimization problem \eqref{non_stand_LP} has three possibilities:
The problem is infeasible, i.e. there exist no such \vx \in \R^n such that \mA\vx \leq \vb.
The problem is unbounded from below, i.e. there exist some \vx = \vx_0 +\alpha \vd where \mA\vx \leq \vb for all \alpha\geq 0, and \vc\trans \vx < 0. In this case \vd is a direction that pushes the objective value to -∞ while maintaining feasibility.
The problem is feasible and has a finite minimum, i.e. there exist a point \vx such that \mA\vx\leq \vb and the optimal value of \eqref{non_stand_LP} p^* = \min\{\vc\trans\vx | \mA\vx\leq \vb\} satisfies p^*>-∞.
In this lecture, we will assume the problem is always feasible and characterize the optimal points of \eqref{non_stand_LP}.
Extreme points¶
The constraint set in the linear program \eqref{non_stand_LP} is \setP := \{x\in \R^n | \va_i\trans\vx \leq b_i,\ i = 1\,\dots, m\}. This set is the intersection of m half-spaces given by \va_i\trans\vx \leq b_i and form a polyhedron (see figure below).
Extreme points can be studied in many equivalent ways. A definition of extreme point is:
Definition A point \vx \in \setP is an extreme point of \setP if there does not exist two vectors \vy,\vz \in \setP such that \vx = \lambda \vy + (1-\lambda)\vz for any \lambda \in (0,1).
This definition states that an extreme point can not be in the interior of any line segment contained in the polyhedron. Another geometric way to view extreme points is via vertices of a polyhedron. A point \bar{\vx} is an extreme point of a polyhedron if and only if \bar{\vx} is an vertex. The vertex of a polyhedron is defined as:
Definition A point \vx \in \setP is a vertex of \setP if there exists a vector \vc such that \vc\trans\vx <\vc\trans\vy for all \vy\in\setP with \vy\neq \vx.

We will consider yet another view of the extreme point that depends number of half-space constraints active as a strict equality. This will be useful when studying the simplex algorithm, which can be used to solve \eqref{non_stand_LP}. Let \setB \subset \{1,\dots,m\} be a set of row indices of the matrix \mA. Let \mA_\setB be the sub-matrix of \mA containing the rows indexed in \setB. Consider a point \vx \in \setP. Note that there exists an index set \setB(\vx)\subset \{1,\dots,m\} such that
The index set \setB is called the active set and \setN is called the inactive set (if \setB(\vx) is empty, then \vx is in the interior of the polyhedron).
Definition A point \vx \in \setP is called a basic feasible solution if the vectors \va_i for i \in \setB(\vx) are linearly independent and rank(\mA_{\setB(\bar{\vx})}) = n.
We now state a theorem that relates extreme points, vertices and basic feasible solutions.
Theorem The following are equivalent:
\vx^* is an extreme point.
\vx^* is a vertex.
\vx^* is a basic feasible solution.
We now state an interesting property of every feasible Linear program that characterizes its optimal points.
Theorem Let p^* be the optimal value of the LP \eqref{non_stand_LP}. There exists a feasible extreme point \vx^* where \vc\trans\vx^* = p^*.
Proof Suppose \vc\trans\hat{\vx} = p^*, but \hat{\vx} is not an extreme point. Then the basic set \setB(\hat{\vx}) = \{ i \ |\ \va_i\trans\hat{\vx} = b_i\} has few than n indices. So, the sub-matrix \mA_{\setB(\hat{\vx})} has a non-trivial null-space. Pick some \vv in that null-space. Then either \vc\trans\vv = 0 or \vc\trans\vv \neq 0.
We will now proceed by considering possible cases. Suppose \vc\trans\vv <0 and consider \tilde{\vx} = \hat{\vx} + \alpha \vv. Note that for all \alpha>0, we have \vc\trans\hat{\vx} >\vc\trans\tilde{\vx} and \mA_{\setB(\hat{\vx})}\hat{\vx} = \mA_{\setB(\hat{\vx})}\tilde{\vx}. Additionally, since we have \mA_{\setN(\hat{\vx})}\hat{\vx} < \vb_{\setN(\hat{\vx})}, there exists an \alpha >0 such that \mA_{\setN(\hat{\vx})}\tilde{\vx} \leq \vb_{\setN(\hat{\vx})}. Thus, \hat{\vx} is not an optimal point, which is a contradiction. The case with \vc\trans\vv >0 is similar.
Lastly, suppose \vc\trans\vv = 0. Then any adjacent extreme point is equally optimal (why?).
Standard-form polyhedra¶
In this section, we will outline the steps for converting a generic polyhedorn \{\tilde{\vx}\ | \ \tilde{\mA}\tilde{\vx} = \tilde{\vb},\ \tilde{\mC}\tilde{\vx} \leq \tilde{\vd}\} into the standard-form. The standard-form of a polyhedron is
The steps for converting to \setP, where \mA is some m by n matrix with m\leq n, are elementary and stated below:
Free variable: A variable \tilde{\vx}_i is called a free variable if it has no constraints. Since every variable must be nonnegative in standard form, and there are no free variable, these variables must be converted. Every free variable \tilde{\vx}_i is replaced with two new nonnegative variables \tilde{\vx}^{'}_i and \tilde{\vx}^{''}_i with
\begin{equation} \tilde{\vx}_i = \tilde{\vx}^{'}_i - \tilde{\vx}^{''}_i. \end{equation}Here, \tilde{\vx}^{'}_i encodes the positive part of \tilde{\vx}_i and \tilde{\vx}^{''}_i encodes the negative part of \tilde{\vx}_i.
For \tilde{b}_i < 0, we replace \tilde{a}_i\trans\tilde{\vx} = \tilde{b}_i with (-\tilde{a}_i)\trans\tilde{\vx} = -\tilde{b}_i. Similarly, For \tilde{d}_i < 0, we replace \tilde{c}_i\trans\tilde{\vx} \leq \tilde{d}_i with (-\tilde{c}_i)\trans\tilde{\vx} \geq -\tilde{d}_i and we replace \tilde{c}_i\trans\tilde{\vx}\geq \tilde{d}_i with (-\tilde{c}_i)\trans\tilde{\vx} \leq -\tilde{d}_i.
Surplus and Slack: After the right hand side of the inequality constarint satisfy nonnegativity constraint, these need to be converted to equality constraints. This is done by adding a surplus or slack variable. For inequality constrains of the form \tilde{\vc}_i\trans\tilde{\vx}_i \leq \tilde{\vd}_i, we introduce a new slack variable s_i and replace the inequality with the following two constraints: \tilde{\vc}_i\trans\tilde{\vx}_i + s_i = \tilde{\vd}_i and s_i\geq 0. Similarly, if \tilde{\vc}_i\trans\tilde{\vx}_i \geq \tilde{\vd}_i, we introduce a surplus variable.
Basic solution in standard form¶
Recall that \vx^* \in \R^n is a basic solution if the vectors \va_i for i \in \setB(\vx^*) are linearly indenpendent and rank(\mA_{\setB(\vx^*)}) = n. In standard form, there are n variables, i.e. x_1,\dots,x_n, m equality constraints, and n inequality constraints. Since the basic set \setB(\vx^*) for any basic solution \vx^* must have exactly n elements, exactly n of the m+n constraints are active at \vx^*. The m equality constraints are always satisfied, thus exactly n-m of the n inequality constraints x_i\geq 0 should be active at \vx^*. This corresponds to eleminating n-m columns of \mA and choosing the remaining m columnns.
Additionally, these m columns corresponding to a basic solution \vx^* are linearly independent. So, there exists a permutation matrix \mP such that
where \mB is a nonsingular matrix. Let \bar{\mA} = \begin{bmatrix}\mB & \mN\\ & \mI\end{bmatrix} and \bar{\vx} = \mP\trans\vx^*. So,
which implies that the basic solution satifes \mB\bar{\vx}_B = \vb and \bar{\vx}_N = \vzero.
Simplex method¶
In this section, we will develop the simplex algorithm for a Linear Program in standard-form \eqref{standard_form}, where \mA \in \R^{m\times n}. Throughout this section. we will assume that
\mA has full row rank (no redundant rows).
the LP is feasible
all basic feasible solution (i.e. extreme points) are nondegenerate.
Let \vx \in \setP = \{\vx\ |\ \mA\vx = \vb, \vx\geq \vzero\} be a feasible point. We say a direction \vd is feasible at \vx if there exists a scalar \alpha>0 such that \vx+\alpha\vd \in \setP. The following subsections will outline the process for choosing a feasible direction and appropriate stepsize \alpha. The simple algorithm initializes at a basic feasible solution. We will also look at how to choose such an initialization.
Construction feasible direction¶
The goal of finding a feasible direction is to find a vector \vd such that given \vx \in \setP, we have that \vx+\alpha\vd is also in the polyhedron \setP for some \alpha> 0. Precisely, this implies
Thus, the feasible direction must be in the null space of \mA and satisfy \mA\vd =\vzero. Let \vx be a basic feasible solution. So, after some permutation, the following relation holds: \mA\vx = \begin{bmatrix}\mB&\mN\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}\vx_B\\ \vx_N\end{bmatrix} = \vb. Correspondingly, we also have
Thus, we have
Note that here \mB \in \R^{m\times m} is non-singular and N \in \R^{m\times (n-m)}. We can now choose a feaible direction by fixing an index \eta_k \in N, which determines a single nonbasic direction to move along. So, the feasible direction \vd corresponding to a nonbasic variable with index \eta_k satisfies:
where \va_{\eta_k} is a column of \mA = \begin{bmatrix}\mB & \mN\end{bmatrix} corresponding to index \eta_k \in N.
Reduced cost¶
The goal is to choose a feasible direction \vd in such a way that it reduces the cost function (objective) \phi(\vx) : = \vc\trans(\vx). Let \bar{\vx} = \vx +\alpha \vd, where \vx is some basic feasible solution and \alpha>0. Consider the objective value at the next iterate \vx + \alpha \vd given by
The term I in the above equation is related to the reduced cost. Recall that the feasible direction satfies \eqref{feasible_direction}. So if feasible direction does note move along an index in the nonbasic set, i.e. \vd_N = \vzero then this necessarily means that \vd_B = 0. This is beacause \vd_N = \vzero implies \mB\vd_B = 0. Since \mB is invertible, the null space of \mB is trivial and, consequently, \mB\vd_B = 0 necessarily imples \vd is the zero vector. So, the term I= \vc_B\trans\vd_B + \vc_N\trans \vd_N is zero for any feasible direction not aligned with a nonbasic variable. This leads to the following notion of reduced cost where we only consider directions along the nonbasic variable.
For j \in N, let
Additionally, \eqref{feasible_direction} implies that \vd_B = -\mB^{-1} \va_j. So, we have z_j = -\vc_B \mB^{-1} \va_j + c_j. Recall from \eqref{obj_decrease}, the objective function decrease with \vd = \begin{bmatrix}\vd_B\\ \vd_N\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}\vzero\\ \ve_j\end{bmatrix} as a descent direction if z_j < 0. We gather z_j for all j \in N and call this vector the reduced cost. So the reduced cost vector is \vz \in \R^{|N|} with
and |N| is the cardinality of the nonbasic set. We now state the Theorem for optimality of a basic feasible point.
Theorem Consider a basic feasible solution \vx with a reduced cost \vz. The following holds true:
If \vz \geq 0 then \vx is optimal.
If \vx is optimal and nondegenerate then \vz \geq \vzero.
Choosing a stepsize¶
Let \vz be the reduced cost at a basic feasible solution \vx. Note that the change objective for moving in the pthe nonbasic variable with index \eta_p\in N is
where \bar{\phi} is the objective value at the next iterate and \phi is the objective value at the current iterate. We will assume atleast one of the z_i's satisfy z_i <0 (otherwise, the basic feasible solution is the optimal point). The idea for choosing a stepsize is to find
There are two possible cases:
If \vd\geq \vzero, then \vd is an unbounded feasible direction of descent, i.e.
x+\alpha\vd \geq \text{ for all } \alpha\geq 0.In this case, the optimal value for the LP is unbounded.
If d_j \leq 0 for some j, then \vx+\alpha\vd \geq \vzero only if
\alpha -\frac{x_j}{d_j} \text{ for every } d_j <0.If we choose \alpha^* acording to the following ratio test
\alpha^* = \min_{j\in \{j\in B| d_j<0\}} -\frac{x_j}{d_j},then \vx+\alpha^*\vd \geq \vzero is satisfed and \alpha^* is the largest stepsize that can be used without violating the feasiblity condition.