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QR factorization

Orthogonal and orthonormal vectors

Let \vx, \vy\in\R^n be any two vectors. By cosine identity, we have

\vx\trans\vy = \|\vx\|_2\|\vy\|_2\cos(\theta)

where, \theta is the angle between \vx and \vy. So, \vx and \vy are orthogonal (\theta = 0), if \vx\trans\vy = 0. Furthermore, we say \vx and \vy are orthonomal if \vx and \vy have unit 2-norm and are orthogonal, i.e.

\vx\trans\vy = 0, \quad \vx\trans\vx =1 , \quad \vy\trans\vy = 1.

Orthogonal matrices

A matrix \mQ is orthogonal if it is square and its columns are all pairwise orthogonal. For an orthogonal matrix \mQ = \bmat\vq_1 &\dots&\vq_n\emat, we have

\mQ\trans\mQ = \mQ\mQ\trans = \mI.

Since, a matrix \mB is the inverse of a matrix \mA if \mB\mA =\mA\mB = \mI, the inverse of an orthognal matrix is its transpose, i.e.

\mQ^{-1} = \mQ\trans.

Orthogonal matrices have many good properties. One such property is that inner products are invariant under orthogonal transfromations. So, for any vectors \vx,\ \vy, we have

(\mQ\vx)\trans(\mQ\vy) = \vx\trans\mQ\trans\mQ\vy = \vx\trans\vy.

This also implies that 2-norm is invariant to orthogonal transformations as \|\mQ\vx\|_2 = \|\vx\|_2. Another property of othogonal matrices is that their determinant is either 1 or -1. This can be observed from the fact that for a matrix \mA and \mB, we have \det(\mA\mB) = \det(\mA)\det(\mB) and \det(\mA)= \det(\mA\trans). So, from \mQ\trans\mQ = \mI, we get

\det(\mQ\trans\mQ) = \det(\mI) \iff \det(\mQ)^2 = 1 \iff \det(\mQ) = ±1.

QR factorization

Let \mA \in \R^{m\times n}. A factorization of \mA with

\mA = \mQ \mR

where \mQ\in\R^{m\times m} is an orthogonal matrix and \mR \in \R^{m\times n} is an upper triangular matrix is called a QR factorization of \mA. In the case with m\geq n and \rank(\mA) = k \leq n, the QR facorization will have the following shape:

In the above figure,

  1. \mQ is an orthogonal matrix.
  2. \mR is a upper triangular matrix, i.e. R_{ij}=0 whenever i>j.
  3. \hat{\mQ} spans the range of \mA.
  4. \bar{\mQ} spans the nullspace of \mA\trans.

In Julia, we can compute the QR decompisition of a matrix using:

m = 4
n = 3
A = randn(m,n)
F = qr(A)

Let \mQ = \bmat \vq_1 \dots \vq_m \emat. We can express the columns of \mA as

\begin{align*} \va_{1} &= r_{11} \vq_{1}\\ \va_{2} &= r_{12} \vq_{1}+r_{22}\vq_2\\ &\vdots\\ \va_{n} &= r_{1n} \vq_{1} + r_{2n}\vq_2+\dots+r_{kn}\vq_{k}\\ \end{align*}

So, we can compactly write the matrix \mA as \mA = \hat{\mQ}\hat{\mR}. This is the reduced (thin or economode) QR factorization of \mA. In the case when m\geq n and \mA is full rank, we get following figure:

Solving least squares via QR

The QR factorization can be used to solve the least squares problem

\min_{\vx \in\R^n}\frac{1}{2}\|\mA\vx-\vb\|_2^2,

where \mA \in \R^{m\times n} and \vb\in \R^m. We consider the case where m\geq n, but QR factorization can be used to solve the other case as well. Consider

\begin{align*} \|\mA\vx-\vb\|_2^2 &= (\mA\vx-\vb)\trans(\mA\vx-\vb)\\ &= (\mA\vx-\vb)\trans\mQ\mQ\trans(\mA\vx-\vb)\\ & = \|\mQ\trans(\mA\vx-\vb)\|_2^2\\ &=\left\|\bmat\hat{\mR}\\\vzero\emat\vx-\bmat\hat{\mQ}\trans\\\bar{\mQ}\trans\emat\vb\right\|_2^2\\ & = \|\hat{\mR}\vx - \hat{\mQ}\trans\vb\|_2^2+\|\bar{\mQ}\trans\vb\|_2^2 \end{align*}

So, minimizing \|\hat{\mR}\vx - \hat{\mQ}\trans\vb\|_2^2 will minimize \frac{1}{2}\|\mA\vx-\vb\|_2. In the case \mA is full rank, we get an invertible \hat{\mR} and the least squares solution which satisfies

\begin{equation}\label{QR_leastsquares} \hat{\mR}\vx = \hat{\mQ}\trans\vb, \end{equation}

will be unique. In the case when \mA is not full rank, there will be a infinitely many solutions to the least squares problem. For both cases, we can find a least squares solution by solving \eqref{QR_leastsquares} via back substitution.

The figure below shows the geometric prespective of using a QR factorization to solve the least squares problem.

For every \vb \in \R^m, \hat{\mQ}\hat{\mQ}\trans\vb is the orthogonal projection of \vb onto the \range(\hat{\mQ}) = \range(\mA). The least squares solution finds a point \vx such that \mA\vx is equal tothe orthogonal projection of \vb onto the \range(\mA). So, we get \mA\vx = \hat{\mQ}\hat{\mQ}\trans\vb, which simplifies to \eqref{QR_leastsquares}.