QR factorization¶
Orthogonal and orthonormal vectors¶
Let \vx, \vy\in\R^n be any two vectors. By cosine identity, we have
where, \theta is the angle between \vx and \vy. So, \vx and \vy are orthogonal (\theta = 0), if \vx\trans\vy = 0. Furthermore, we say \vx and \vy are orthonomal if \vx and \vy have unit 2-norm and are orthogonal, i.e.
Orthogonal matrices¶
A matrix \mQ is orthogonal if it is square and its columns are all pairwise orthogonal. For an orthogonal matrix \mQ = \bmat\vq_1 &\dots&\vq_n\emat, we have
Since, a matrix \mB is the inverse of a matrix \mA if \mB\mA =\mA\mB = \mI, the inverse of an orthognal matrix is its transpose, i.e.
Orthogonal matrices have many good properties. One such property is that inner products are invariant under orthogonal transfromations. So, for any vectors \vx,\ \vy, we have
This also implies that 2-norm is invariant to orthogonal transformations as \|\mQ\vx\|_2 = \|\vx\|_2. Another property of othogonal matrices is that their determinant is either 1 or -1. This can be observed from the fact that for a matrix \mA and \mB, we have \det(\mA\mB) = \det(\mA)\det(\mB) and \det(\mA)= \det(\mA\trans). So, from \mQ\trans\mQ = \mI, we get
QR factorization¶
Let \mA \in \R^{m\times n}. A factorization of \mA with
where \mQ\in\R^{m\times m} is an orthogonal matrix and \mR \in \R^{m\times n} is an upper triangular matrix is called a QR factorization of \mA. In the case with m\geq n and \rank(\mA) = k \leq n, the QR facorization will have the following shape:

In the above figure,
- \mQ is an orthogonal matrix.
- \mR is a upper triangular matrix, i.e. R_{ij}=0 whenever i>j.
- \hat{\mQ} spans the range of \mA.
- \bar{\mQ} spans the nullspace of \mA\trans.
In Julia, we can compute the QR decompisition of a matrix using:
m = 4
n = 3
A = randn(m,n)
F = qr(A)
Let \mQ = \bmat \vq_1 \dots \vq_m \emat. We can express the columns of \mA as
So, we can compactly write the matrix \mA as \mA = \hat{\mQ}\hat{\mR}. This is the reduced (thin or economode) QR factorization of \mA. In the case when m\geq n and \mA is full rank, we get following figure:

Solving least squares via QR¶
The QR factorization can be used to solve the least squares problem
where \mA \in \R^{m\times n} and \vb\in \R^m. We consider the case where m\geq n, but QR factorization can be used to solve the other case as well. Consider
So, minimizing \|\hat{\mR}\vx - \hat{\mQ}\trans\vb\|_2^2 will minimize \frac{1}{2}\|\mA\vx-\vb\|_2. In the case \mA is full rank, we get an invertible \hat{\mR} and the least squares solution which satisfies
will be unique. In the case when \mA is not full rank, there will be a infinitely many solutions to the least squares problem. For both cases, we can find a least squares solution by solving \eqref{QR_leastsquares} via back substitution.
The figure below shows the geometric prespective of using a QR factorization to solve the least squares problem.

For every \vb \in \R^m, \hat{\mQ}\hat{\mQ}\trans\vb is the orthogonal projection of \vb onto the \range(\hat{\mQ}) = \range(\mA). The least squares solution finds a point \vx such that \mA\vx is equal tothe orthogonal projection of \vb onto the \range(\mA). So, we get \mA\vx = \hat{\mQ}\hat{\mQ}\trans\vb, which simplifies to \eqref{QR_leastsquares}.