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Quasi-Newton methods

In this lecture we will study quasi-Newton methods, where we use an approximate Hessian to get the descent direction. Recall that \vd is a descent direction at \vx if \vd\trans \nabla f(\vx) < 0. Some examples of descent directions that we have looked at are:

Descent method \vd \vd\trans \nabla f(\vx)
Gradient descent -\nabla f(\vx) -\|\nabla f(\vx)\|_2^2
Newton -\nabla^2 f(\vx)^{-1}\nabla f(\vx) -\nabla f(\vx) \nabla^2 f(\vx)^{-1} \nabla f(\vx)
Diagonal approx. - \mD_{\vx}^{-1} \nabla f(\vx) -\nabla f(\vx) \mD_(\vx)^{-1} \nabla f(\vx)

In the above table, the diagonal matrix \mD is an estimate of the Hessian and is given by

(\mD_{\vx})_{ij} = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} (\nabla^2 f(\vx))_{ij} & \text{if } i = j\\ 0 & \text{if } i\neq j \end{array} \right. \quad \text{ for } i,j \in \{1,2, \dots, n\}.

For each iteration of the descent scheme, quasi-Newton methods use approximation of Hessian, like the diagonal approximation, to compute the descent direction. Quasi-Newton methods require an initial estimate of the Hessian and procedure to obtain the subsequent estimates of the Hessians at the corresponding iterate. Some well known methods are:

  1. Symmetric rank-1 update

  2. Bryoden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) update

Symmetric rank-1 update

Given an estimate of the Hessian at \vx_{k-1}, \tilde{\mH_{k-1}} \in \R^{n\times n}, the central idea of symmetric rank-1 update is to find \tilde{\mH_{k}} = \tilde{\mH_{k-1}} + \vv\vv\trans, where \vv is a vector in \R^n. Let \vs_K = \vx_k - \vx_{k+1} and \vy = \nabla f(\vx_k) - \nabla f(\vx_{k-1}). A general rank-1 update satisfies

\underbrace{\mH_{k} = \mH_{k-1} + \vu\vv\trans}_{\text{rank-1 update}} \quad\text{ and } \underbrace{\tilde{\mH}_k \vs_k = \vy_k}_{\text{Secant condition}}.

Note that if \vx_k is c;ose to \vx_{k-1} and f is smooth then \mH_k is a good approximation of the Hessian of f at \vx_k in the direction of \vs_k. Plugging the rank-1 update in the secant condition, we get

\begin{align*} &(\tilde{\mH}_{k-1} + \vu\vv\trans) \vs_k = \vy_k\\ \Rightarrow & \vu = \frac{\vy_k - \tilde{\mH}_{k-1}\vs_k}{\vv\trans\vs_k}. \end{align*}

Here \vv_k is arbitrary and to satisfy the symmetric update condition, we can set \vv = \alpha \vu for any \alpha \in \R. A symmetric rank-1 update to the estimate of the Hessian is

\vv = \vy_k - \tilde{\mH}_{k-1}\vs_k \quad \text{ and } \tilde{\mH_k} = \tilde{\mH}_{k-1} + \frac{1}{\vv\trans\vs_k} \vv\vv\trans.

However, note that the Newton update requires the inverse of the Hessian to compute the descent direction. Thus, we need estimates of \mB_k = \tilde{H_k}^{-1} for the quasi-Newton method. These are obtained using the same symmetric rank-1 update routine. That is, \mB_k needs to satisfy \mB_k \vy_k = \vs_k and \mB_k = \mB_{k-1} + \vu\vv\trans, for some \vu, \vv \in \R^n. A symmetric rank-1 update to the estimate of the inverse of the Hessian is

\vv = \vs_k - {\mB_{k-1}}\vy_k \quad \text{ and } {\mB_k} = {\mB_{k-1}} + \frac{1}{\vv\trans\vy_k} \vv\vv\trans.


BFGS is a rank-2 update scheme where the updates to the estimate of the Hessian \tilde{\mH}_{k-1} take the form \tilde{\mH}_{k} = \tilde{\mH}_{k-1} +\vu\vv\trans, where \vu, \vv \in \R^{n\times 2}. The updated estimate of the Hessian \tilde{\mH}_k satisfy

\tilde{\mH}_k \vs_k = \vy_k,\quad \|\tilde{\mH}_{k} - \tilde{\mH}_{k-1}\| \text{ is small, and } \tilde{\mH}_{k} ≻ 0.

The BFGS update to \tilde{\mH}_{k-1} is

\tilde{\mH}_{k} = \tilde{\mH}_{k-1} + \frac{1}{\vy_k\trans\vs_k}\vy_k\vy_k\trans - \frac{1}{\vs_k\trans\tilde{\mH}_{k-1}\vs_k}\tilde{\mH}_{k-1}\vs_k\vs_k\trans \tilde{\mH}_{k-1},

and the inverse update to \mB_{k-1} = (\tilde{\mH}_{k-1})^{-1} is

\mB_k = \left(\mI - \frac{1}{\vy_k\trans\vs_k}\vs_k\vy_k\trans\right)\mB_{k-1}\left(\mI - \frac{1}{\vy_k\trans\vs_k}\vy_k\vs_k\trans\right) + \frac{1}{\vy_k\trans\vs_k} \vs_k\vs_k\trans.

Note that the kth estimate of the Hessian (or inverse Hessian) in BFGS can be computed using \{\vs_i\}_{i = 1}^k and \{\vy_i\}_{i=1}^k and the initial estimate of the Hessian (or inverse Hessian). When implemented correctly, we do not need to form any matrices and is very fast. The Limited memory BFGS (L-BFGS) improves the storage requirement by only using the last L number of iterates for \vs_i and \vy_i to compute the estimates. This reduces the storage cost to O(nL).