Quasi-Newton methods¶
In this lecture we will study quasi-Newton methods, where we use an approximate Hessian to get the descent direction. Recall that \vd is a descent direction at \vx if \vd\trans \nabla f(\vx) < 0. Some examples of descent directions that we have looked at are:
Descent method | \vd | \vd\trans \nabla f(\vx) |
Gradient descent | -\nabla f(\vx) | -\|\nabla f(\vx)\|_2^2 |
Newton | -\nabla^2 f(\vx)^{-1}\nabla f(\vx) | -\nabla f(\vx) \nabla^2 f(\vx)^{-1} \nabla f(\vx) |
Diagonal approx. | - \mD_{\vx}^{-1} \nabla f(\vx) | -\nabla f(\vx) \mD_(\vx)^{-1} \nabla f(\vx) |
In the above table, the diagonal matrix \mD is an estimate of the Hessian and is given by
For each iteration of the descent scheme, quasi-Newton methods use approximation of Hessian, like the diagonal approximation, to compute the descent direction. Quasi-Newton methods require an initial estimate of the Hessian and procedure to obtain the subsequent estimates of the Hessians at the corresponding iterate. Some well known methods are:
Symmetric rank-1 update
Bryoden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) update
Symmetric rank-1 update¶
Given an estimate of the Hessian at \vx_{k-1}, \tilde{\mH_{k-1}} \in \R^{n\times n}, the central idea of symmetric rank-1 update is to find \tilde{\mH_{k}} = \tilde{\mH_{k-1}} + \vv\vv\trans, where \vv is a vector in \R^n. Let \vs_K = \vx_k - \vx_{k+1} and \vy = \nabla f(\vx_k) - \nabla f(\vx_{k-1}). A general rank-1 update satisfies

Note that if \vx_k is c;ose to \vx_{k-1} and f is smooth then \mH_k is a good approximation of the Hessian of f at \vx_k in the direction of \vs_k. Plugging the rank-1 update in the secant condition, we get
Here \vv_k is arbitrary and to satisfy the symmetric update condition, we can set \vv = \alpha \vu for any \alpha \in \R. A symmetric rank-1 update to the estimate of the Hessian is
However, note that the Newton update requires the inverse of the Hessian to compute the descent direction. Thus, we need estimates of \mB_k = \tilde{H_k}^{-1} for the quasi-Newton method. These are obtained using the same symmetric rank-1 update routine. That is, \mB_k needs to satisfy \mB_k \vy_k = \vs_k and \mB_k = \mB_{k-1} + \vu\vv\trans, for some \vu, \vv \in \R^n. A symmetric rank-1 update to the estimate of the inverse of the Hessian is
BFGS is a rank-2 update scheme where the updates to the estimate of the Hessian \tilde{\mH}_{k-1} take the form \tilde{\mH}_{k} = \tilde{\mH}_{k-1} +\vu\vv\trans, where \vu, \vv \in \R^{n\times 2}. The updated estimate of the Hessian \tilde{\mH}_k satisfy
The BFGS update to \tilde{\mH}_{k-1} is
and the inverse update to \mB_{k-1} = (\tilde{\mH}_{k-1})^{-1} is
Note that the kth estimate of the Hessian (or inverse Hessian) in BFGS can be computed using \{\vs_i\}_{i = 1}^k and \{\vy_i\}_{i=1}^k and the initial estimate of the Hessian (or inverse Hessian). When implemented correctly, we do not need to form any matrices and is very fast. The Limited memory BFGS (L-BFGS) improves the storage requirement by only using the last L number of iterates for \vs_i and \vy_i to compute the estimates. This reduces the storage cost to O(nL).