Mathematical background¶
Vectors are arrays of numbers ordered as a column. For example, a vector \vx \in \R^n contain n entries with x_i as its ith entry:
Some special vectors that are commonly used are the zero vector, ones vector, and the standard basis vectors. These are defined next:
- Zero vector: A vector \vx is the zero vector if all of its entries are zero. The zero vector is denoted by \vzero.
- Ones vector: A vector \vx is the ones vector if all of its entries are one. The ones vector is denoted by \ve.
- ith standard basis vector: A vector \vx \in \R^n is the ith standard basis vector if x_j = \Big\{\begin{array}{cc}1 & i = j\\0 & \text{otherwise}\end{array}. The ith standard basis vector is denoted by \ve_i. For example, in \R^3, the 2nd standard basis vector is \ve_2 = \begin{bmatrix}0\\1\\0\end{bmatrix}.
A vector \vx \in \R^n is equal to another vector \vy \in \R^n if x_i = y_i for all i \in \{1,2,\dots,n\}. Similarly, if all of the entries of a vector \vx is equal to a scalar c \in \R, then we write \vx = c. These notions can be extended to inequalites in the following way:
- A vector \vx \in \R^n and a scalar c \in \R satisfy \vx \geq c if and only if x_i \geq c for all i \in \{1,2,\dots, n\}.
- A vector \vx \in \R^n and a scalar c \in \R satisfy \vx > c if and only if x_i > c for all i \in \{1,2,\dots, n\}.
- Vectors \vx, \vy \in \R^n satisfy \vx \geq \vy if and only if x_i \geq y_i for all i \in \{1,2,\dots, n\}.
- Vectors \vx, \vy \in \R^n satisfy \vx \geq \vy if and only if x_i \geq y_i for all i \in \{1,2,\dots, n\}.
Block vector is a concise representation of a vector obtained by stacking vectors. For example, if \vx \in \R^m, \vy \in \R^n, and \vz \in \R^p, then
is a block vector (also called stacked vector or conncatenated vector) obtained by stacking \vx, \vy, and \vz vertically. This block vector \va can also be written as \begin{pmatrix}\vx,\vy,\vz \end{pmatrix}. If the dimension of the vectors are equal (i.e. m = n = p), then these vector can be stacked horizontally as well. This will produce a matrix
where \vx,\vy, and \vz are the first, second, and third columns of \mB, respectively.
A matrix is an array of numbers and is another way of collecting numbers. For example, a matrix \mA \in \R^{m\times n} contain n rows and m columns with a total of m\cdot n number of entries:
The tranpose of this matrix \mA is denoted by \mA^\intercal\in\R^{n\times m} where
A matrix \mA is the zero matrix if all of its entrie are zero. The zero matrix is denoted by \mzero. For a matrix \mA \in \R^{m\times n},
- if m>n then the matrix \mA is a tall matrix,
- if m< n then the matrix \mA is a wide matrix, and
- if m = n then the matrix \mA is a square matrix.
Matrices \mA and \mB are equal if these matrices are of same size and every element is equal: $$ \mA = \mB \iff A_{ij} = B_{ij},\quad \forall i = 1,\dots,m, \quad j = 1,\dots,n. $$ If all of the entries of a matrix \mA are a scalar c \in \R then we write \mA = c. These notions are extended to inequalities in the following way:
- \mA \geq c if and only if A_{ij} \geq c for all i = 1,\dots,m and j = 1,\dots,n.
- \mA > c if and only if A_{ij} > c for all i = 1,\dots,m and j = 1,\dots,n.
- \mA \geq \mB if and only if these matrices are of same size and A_{ij} \geq B_{ij} for all i = 1,\dots,m and j = 1,\dots,n.
- \mA > \mB if and only if these matrices are of same size and A_{ij} > B_{ij} for all i = 1,\dots,m and j = 1,\dots,n.
Inner products¶
Inner product is a way to multiply two vectors and matrices to produce a scalar. For \setV = \R^n\text{ or } \R^{m\times n}, inner product is a map \langle\cdot,\cdot\rangle:\setV\times \setV\rightarrow \R that satisfies the following properties for all \vx, \vy, \vz \in \setV and \alpha \in \R:
- Non-negativity: \langle \vx,\vx\rangle \geq 0 and \langle \vx,\vx\rangle = 0 if and only if \vx = 0.
- Symmetry: \langle \vx, \vy\rangle = \langle \vy,\vx\rangle.
- Linearity: \langle\alpha \vx, \vy\rangle = \alpha \langle\vx,\vy\rangle and \langle \vx+\vy,\vz\rangle = \langle\vx,\vz\rangle + \langle\vy,\vz\rangle.
For \setV = \R^n, the Euclidean inner product between two vector \vx, \vy\in\R^n is also denoted as \vx^\intercal\vy and
\exa{1} Fix i \in \{1,\dots,n\}. The inner product of ith standard basis vector \ve_i with an arbitary vector \vx is the ith entry of \vx, i.e. \ve_i^\intercal\vx = x_i.
\exa{2} The inner product of the vector of ones \ve with an arbitary vector \vx is in the sum of entres of \vx, i.e. \ve^\intercal\vx = x_1+x_2+\dots+x_n.
\exa{3} The inner product on an arbitary vector \vx with itself is the sum of squares of the entries of \vx, i.e. \vx^\intercal\vx =x_1^2+x_2^2+\dots+x_n^2.
\exa{4} Let \vp = (p_1,p_2,\dots,p_n) be a vector of prices and \vq = (q_1,q_2,\dots,q_n) be the corresponding vector of quantities. The total cost is the inner product of \vp and \vq, i.e. \vp^\intercal\vq = \sum_{i = 1}^np_iq_i.
\exa{5} Let \vw be a vector of assest allocations (\ve^\intercal\vw = 1, \vw\geq 0) and \vp be the corresponding vector of asset prices. The total portfolio value is \vw^\intercal\vp.
For \setV = \R^{m\times n}, the trace inner product between two matrices \mA, \mB \in \R^{m\times n} is also denoted as \text{tr}(\mA^\intercal\mB) and
where for a square matrix \mS \in \R^{n\times n}, \trace{\mS} =\sum_{i=1}^n S_{ii}, and for a matrix \mA with columns \va_1,\va_2,\dots,\va_n \in \R^m,
Norms are a measure of distances of a vector from the origin. The most common norm is the "Euclidean norm", i.e. 2-norm:
This 2-norm is the norm induced by the Euclidean inner product on \R^n, where \|\vx\|_2 = \sqrt{\vx^\intercal\vx}. The 2-norm reults in the familiar pythagorean identity, i.e. for any vectors \va, \vb, and \vc,
An important inequlity that relates the inner product of two arbitary vectors with the norms of those vectors induced by the inner product is the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality. In the case of \R^n, the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality states that for all \vx, \vy \in \R^n, we have
For \R^n, the Cauchy Schwartz inequality follows from the Cosine inequality, i.e. for any vectors \vx, \vy with angle \theta between \vx and \vy, we have \vx^\intercal \vy = \|\vx\|_2\|\vy\|_2\cos(\theta). So, the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality attains the equality if and only if the two vectors are co-linear.
The Cauchy-Schwartz inequality gives us another inequailty that norms, in general, satisfy. This inequailty is the triangle inequality and states that
\proof We will use Cauchy-Schwartz inequality to prove \eqref{background:triangle}. Consider
where the second equality follows from linearty of inner product and the inequality follows from the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality. q.e.d.
More generally, norms are any function \|\cdot\|:\R^n \rightarrow \R that satisfy the following conditions for all \vx,\vy \in\R^n and \beta \in \R:
- Homogeneity: \|\beta\vx\| = |\beta|\cdot\|\vx\|.
- Triangle inequality: \|\vx+\vy\|\leq \|\vx\|+\|\vy\|.
- Non-negativity: \|\vx\|\geq 0 and \|\vx\|=0 if and only if \vx = \vzero.
Other useful norms that satify the above conditions are:
- 1-norm: The 1-norm of \vx is \|\vx\|_1:=|x_1|+\dots+|x_n|.
- Sup-norm: The sup-norm of \vx is the largest entry of \vx in absolute value, i.e. \|\vx\|_\infty = \max_{j}|x_j|.
- p-norm: For p\geq 1, the p-norm of \vx is \|\vx\|_p = \left(\sum_{j=1}^n|x_j|^p\right)^\tfrac{1}{p}.

Linear functions¶
Linear function in a mapping between two Eucliean spaces that preserve the operations of addition and scalar multiplication. Specifially, a function \func{f}:\R^n\rightarrow\R^m is linear if for all \vx,\vy\in\R^n and \alpha\in\R, we have
Here, \func{f} takes a vector of dimension n as its input and outputs a vector of dimension of m. If m=1, then we say the function \func{f} is a real valued function.
\prop A real valued function \func{f}:\R^n\rightarrow \R is linear if and only if \func{f} = \va^\intercal\vx for some \va \in\R^n.
\proof We will first prove the forward direction, i.e. if \func{f}:\R^n\rightarrow\R is a linear function then \func{f}(\vx)=\va^\intercal\vx. For i\in\{1,\dots,n\}, let a_{i} = \func{f}(\ve_i). Then since \vx = x_1\ve_1+\dots+x_n\ve_n, we have
Second, we prove the reverse direction, i.e. if \func{f}(\vx) = \va^\intercal\vx for some \va \in \R^n then \func{f} is a real valued linear function. Clearly, \func{f}(x) is a real valued function. Let \vx,\vy\in \R^n and \alpha \in \R. Consider
where the second inequality follows from linearity of inner product. q.e.d.