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Grades and policies

Grade distribution

  • assignments (Webwork): 20%
  • quizzes (5): 40%
  • final exam: 40%


You may collaborate and consult with other students in the course, but you must work on your own assignments. If you have collaborated or consulted with someone while working on your assignment, you must acknowledge this explicitly in your submitted assignment. If you are unsure about any of these rules, feel free to consult with your instructor.

Late homework submissions

UPDATED Homework Policy: Late homework will not be accepted.


  • No makeup exam for quizzes or the final exam. If you missed a quiz you must document a justification.

  • Lowest quiz grade will be dropped and only highest 4 of the 5 quizzes will count towards the quiz grade.

  • To pass the course you must do the assigned coursework, complete quizzes and the final exam, and obtain an overall pass average according to the grading scheme.

  • The instructors reserve the right to modify the grading scheme at any time.