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CPSC 406: Homework 3 (Due March 10, 11:59pm)

  1. Consider \mA\in \R^{m\times n} and \mB\in \R^{m\times n}. Show that $$ \tr(\mA\trans\mB) = \sum_{i,j} A_{ij}B_{ij}.$$ Compute the number of flops and storage required to calculate the left hand side (\tr(\mA'*\mB)) and right hand side (\sum_{i,j} A_{ij}B_{ij}) . (Use O(f(n,m)) notation.) Which of the two is the "superior" formulation?

  2. (Structured matrices.) Consider a matrix \mA\in \R^{n\times n}.

    1. Suppose \mA is diagonal, e.g. A_{ij} = 0 whenever i\neq j. Prove that \mA \succeq 0 if and only if A_{ii} \geq 0 for all i, and \mA\succ 0 if and only if A_{ii} > 0 for all i.

    2. Suppose that \mA is block diagonal, e.g.

      \mA = \bmat \mA^{(1)} & 0 & \cdots & 0 \\ 0 & \mA^{(2)} & \cdots & 0 \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\0 & 0 & \cdots &\mA^{(l)} \\ \emat.

      Prove that \mA\succeq 0 if and only if each block \mA^{(k)} \succeq 0 for all k, and \mA\succ 0 if and only if \mA^{(k)} \succ 0 for all k.

  3. We will show that if a twice continuously differentiable f:\R^n\rightarrow \R has L-Lipschitz continous gradient and a minimizer of \min_{\vx \in \R^n} f(\vx) exists, then the graident method with constant step size converges if step size \bar{\alpha} \in (0,\frac{2}{L}). In the following subquestion, assume that f has an L-Lipschitz continous gradient and is twice continuously differentiable.

    1. Fix \vx \in \R^n. Show that \|\nabla^2 f(\vx)\vv \|_2 \leq L\|\vv\|_2 for all \vv. (Hint: Let c:\R^n\rightarrow\R^n be continuously differentiable. Then the directional derivative of c at \vx in the direction of \vv is

      \mJ\vv = \lim_{t ↘ 0} \frac{c(\vx + t\vv) - c(\vx)}{t},

      where \mJ is the Jacobian of c at \vx. Apply this to c = \nabla f and take 2-norm of both sides.)

    2. Show that for all \vx, the eigenvalues of \nabla^2 f(\vx) are bounded from above by L , i.e. for all \vx, we have \nabla^2 f(\vx) \preceq L \mI.

    3. Building on part b. and using multivariate Taylor's remainder theorem (Beck Thm 1.24), show that

      f(\vv) \leq f(\vw) + \nabla f(\vw)\trans (\vv-\vw) + \frac{L}{2}\|\vv-\vw\|_2^2

      for all \vv and \vw. This is known as the descent lemma.

    4. Consider gradient descent with constant step size \alpha, i.e.

      \vx_{k+1} = \vx_k - \alpha \nabla f(\vx_k).

      In the descent lemma, substitute \vv = \vx_{k+1} and \vw = \vx_{k} and show that f(\vx_{k+1}) < f(\vx_k) if \alpha \in (0,\frac{2}{L}) and \vx_k is not a stationary point.

  4. Prove that the intersection of convex sets

    \mathcal{S} = \mathcal{S}_1\cap \mathcal{S}_2 \cap \cdots \cap \mathcal{S}_n = \{x : x\in \mathcal{S}_1 \text{ and } \mathcal{S}_2 \text{ and } \cdots \text{ and } \mathcal{S}_n\}

    is itself a convex set.

  5. The second order cone is the set of tuples (x\in \R^n, t\in \R)

    \mathcal{S} = \{(x,t) : \|x\|_2 \leq t\}.

    Prove that \mathcal{S} is convex.